ARK Kids

We’re God’s Kids!
Trusting in Jesus  |  Training for service  |  Following in God’s Way  |  Leading others to Christ

Remember my words in your hearts and souls. Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. Tie them to your foreheads to remind you., Teach them well to your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on your doors and gates.
Deuteronomy 11:18 ICB

Ministry Vision:

We want to welcome you to our children’s ministry! Our goal is to partner with you in growing and developing a passion for following Jesus in your children. We believe that it is the parents’ responsibility to be the main spiritual leader and influence in your child’s life. We seek to offer you, your family, and your children the resources, love, and discipleship opportunities as you journey in faith. Each week that your children are with us, our hope is to help them to see and connect the awesome power and wonder of God to their everyday life. Whether it’s snack time, playing a fun game, coloring a picture, or making a craft, we hope that your child sees the love of Jesus and the big picture and plan God has for them.

All volunteers working with children have undergone a criminal background check and application process.

Nursery (0-18 months)
9:00 Sunday School & 10:00 Worship Service

This room is for our babies 0– 18 months of age. Your little ones will be loved and cared for by our wonderful nursery volunteers while you worship in the service.

We believe it is never too early to teach our children God’s love. So as you worship, your child will hear and feel God’s love as they are cared for and nurtured in our Nursery with Bible songs, stories and through meeting their basic needs. If you will be staying for SS hour, you may leave your child in the nursery until your class is dismissed. Please be sure to bring your Planning Center Kid Check guardian tag when picking up your infant.

All our Nursery volunteers have undergone a Criminal background check and application process.

The Terrific Toddlers!! (18 months – 2 year-olds)
9:00 Sunday School & 10:00 Worship Service

As your child grows and begins to be confidently mobile and active, we invite them to join our Terrific Toddler Class! This class is geared toward the active toddler, with fun activities like parachute play, bouncy balls, tumble mats, and bubbles! We also will use this opportunity to begin to introduce a more structured teaching time to our Toddlers. As they enjoy a snack, they will hear a Bible story from the Big Picture Story Bible. Your toddlers may remain in this class for both the worship service and Sunday school time. Please be sure to bring your Kid Check guardian tag when picking up your child.

Praising Preschooler’s Beginner Church Time (3 & 4 yr olds)
9:00 Sunday School & 10:00 Worship Service

This class is for children who are potty-trained and ready to participate in a structured morning of Bible stories and fun activities!

The preschoolers are working through the Growing with God series. This material gives your preschooler a hands on experience as they play and learn through the Bible!

If your child stays for our Sunday school hour, they will enjoy a special time of age appropriate worship and Bible story video with the PreK/K Krew and then an addition time of games and activities from The Gospel Project.

You do not need to pick up your preschooler between worship service and Sunday school hour. Please remember to bring your Kid Check guardian receipt when picking up your child.

The Pre-K/K Krew Jr Church Time (4 1/2 years-old – Kindergarten-aged children)
9:00 Sunday School & 10:00 Worship Service

This class is ready for fun and discovery as they are now entering the school age! This class is also learning through the God’s Great Big Picture and Me series as well. They enjoy a great time of Bible stories, coloring/activity pages and some play time too!

If your child stays for our Sunday school hour, they will also learn from The Gospel Project materials as well as enjoying a special time of worship with the preschoolers.

You may pick up and drop your child off to the PreK/K classroom for both Jr. Church and Sunday school time. They do not need to be picked up between worship service and Sunday school hour. Please remember to bring your Kid Check guardian receipt with you when picking up your child.

Kid’s Church (3rd -5th grades)
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
*Kid’s will be dismissed after the prayer at about 10:20 p.m.

Kid’s church takes Children’s church to the next level! We want to keep our elementary aged kids excited about hearing God’s word, and most importantly, we want them to take it home and apply what they’ve learned! Your child will enjoy a great time of fellowship with their friends, fun games to reinforce our memory verse, interactive lessons, and weekly practice reading the Bible in Kid’s church.
Our materials come from Super Book Academy.

Please remember to bring your Planning Center guardian tag with you when picking up.

Kidz Klub (K – 6th grades)
*First Sunday of each month*
(Kid’s will be dismissed after the prayer at about 10:20 p.m.)

Kidz Klub is a mission focused class taught by Jim Kramer, our resident missionary and member of BFCN. Big Jim has visited and ministered to kids in Zambia, India, West Virginia and many other places! He is excited to share his adventures with our kids and get them praying for kids around the world! Many times in Kidz Klub, we will have guest missionaries or teams come share with our kids! Kidz Klub is opportunity for our kids to learn what God is doing around the world!

If you have any questions or concerns about our Children’s programs, please feel free to contact our Children’s Director, Dawn Wallace, via email or by phone 302-366-8539.

Health Precautions:

  • Parents are requested NOT to bring a child who appears ill. Fever, diarrhea, red or puffy watery eyes, runny nose and irritability are all signs something is not quite right. Nursery staff will return children who are possibly ill to their parents. We will accept a child who has been on prescribed antibiotics for 24 hours, provided they are feeling well enough to stay.
  • Toys and baby furniture are sterilized routinely. All workers are trained in child safety and are pre-screened.

Upcoming Events for ARK Kids