BFCN invites all interested moms to join us for an open-and-go (no homework! Show up when you can!) inductive Bible study fellowship group (with yummy treats!) in the Corner Cafe during AWANA time. Children under the age of two who are not involved in the AWANA program are welcome, and childcare will be provided if needed.

We will open God’s Word together where we will find not only all the treasures we have been searching for, but also all that we need to become equipped and encouraged for the ministry of motherhood, as we share in fellowship time together.

Wednesdays, on the AWANA schedule – 6:30-8:00 pm

Corner Cafe – past the lobby bathrooms

Contact Terrence Hebel for more info.

If you are unable to make it to this opportunity, the Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study (1st and 3rd Thursdays starting September 19th from 9:30-11:30) has graciously invited all BFCN moms to join their study and will now be offering childcare! Please let Evelyn Cowdery know via email if you’d like to join this study so that she can get a workbook ready for you.

Have More Questions?

Call us at the church office at 302-366-8539 or email us.  Please request to join our BFCN Women’s ministry Facebook Group at the following link.