Women’s Ministries
Every woman yearns for friends who will walk with her through life’s joys and sorrows. We are ready to join you on that journey. Our Bible studies, fellowships, support groups, and service projects will help you develop deeper relationships with Jesus Christ and other women.
Please call the church office at 302-366-8539 or email us for more info. To find out more info on our events, please join our BFCN Women’s Ministry Facebook Group.

Daytime/Nighttime Bible Studies
NEW Mom’s Group – Fall 2024 –
BFCN invites all interested moms to join us for an open-and-go (no homework! Show up when you can!) inductive Bible study fellowship group (with yummy treats!) in the Corner Cafe during AWANA time. Children under the age of two who are not involved in the AWANA program are welcome, and childcare will be provided if needed.
We will open God’s Word together where we will find not only all the treasures we have been searching for, but also all that we need to become equipped and encouraged for the ministry of motherhood, as we share in fellowship time together.
Wednesdays, on the AWANA schedule – 6:30-8:00 pm
Corner Cafe – past the lobby bathrooms
Contact Terrence Hebel for more info.
If you are unable to make it to this opportunity, the Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study (1st and 3rd Thursdays starting September 19th from 9:30-11:30) has graciously invited all BFCN moms to join their study and will now be offering childcare! Please let Evelyn Cowdery know via email if you’d like to join this study so that she can get a workbook ready for you.
Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Study – Wednesdays – 9:00-11:30 am in the Koinonia Room (October through May only) – The Wednesday morning Ladies Bible Study group will resume on October 2, 2024 and will be studying two David Jeremiah studies entitled “The World at the End” and “The Great Disappearance” facilitated by Evelyn Barnes (Fall) and Karen Green (Spring). For more information, contact the church office.
Thursday Ladies Bible Study – 1st & 3rd Thursdays 9:30-11:30 am in Comly 3 – We will be starting a new Bible Study this Fall on the topic of Biblical Womanhood. We will be using the study guide called, “True Woman 101,” by Mary Kassian and Nancy Wolgemuth. Why did God make people male and female? How are men and women alike and how are they different? Why does gender matter? What roles and responsibilities has Our Wonderful Designer and Creator given to each sex? How can we live as godly women in an ungodly world and honor God in our Womanhood? We will find these answers in the Bible. This study is for older and younger women, and those single or married ladies. There are videos that cover some of the topics and Bible verses can be previewed at www.TrueWoman101.com/week
We will meet the first and third Thursdays starting on Thursday, September 19, from 9:30 am to 11:30am in Comly Hall. Childcare will be provided for those who need childcare so they can attend. If you need childcare or if you are interested in helping with childcare please let me know. We will compensate those attending to our children. The study guide book is $12. Please contact me for any questions and if you plan to attend so I can reserve a book for you. I am looking forward to learning God’s plan for womanhood with you, which is quite counter cultural in our day.
You are welcome to join us. Please contact the church office or Evelyn Cowdery with any questions.
Monday Night – REAL – Relationships, Encouragement, Accountability, Laughter – This is a Bible study where Christian women who are dealing with depression, anxiety, or any other mental issue can come to pray for each other, to laugh with each other, and to support each other. This is a judgment-free zone. Contact the church office for more information.
Ladies Thursday Night Bible Study – Thursday Evenings – 6:30 – 8:30 pm in the Young Adults Room – NEW Women’s Bible study starting Thursday, March 20 in the Corner Cafe from 6:30-8:30 pm led by Karen Heald. This is a 5-week study entitled “Living so that…making faith filled choices in the midst of a messy life” by Wendy Blight. Study guides can be purchased online for $14. Call Karen if you plan to join the study. We hope to see some new faces join us!
Other Women’s Opportunities
- Prayer Partners – This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other ladies within the church and to come together in prayer. You will be paired with another lady at BFCN to pray with via text, e-mail, in-person, or by phone (which ever you choose). Contact the church office with any questions.
- Women’s Breakfast – Meets periodically – September through June. Stay tuned for the next date. There are varied programs, speakers, and times of sharing. “Potluck” style — bring a food to share.
- Ladies Exercise! with Cindy Chatham on Monday and Thursday evenings from 5:50 – 7:15 p.m. Just show up! Classes are free. Contact the church office for the exercise schedule. Let’s get moving and stay healthy together!
- Meals Ministry – If you would like to make a meal to help a church family during times of illness, after child birth or surgery, or if you yourself need this service, please contact the church office for more details.
- Church Decorating – If you would like to assist in decorating the church for Christmas or Easter, please contact the church office for more details.
- Helping Hands Ministry – Interested in participating in some church activity, but just haven’t found your niche yet? Maybe Helping Hands is just the thing for you. We are just what our name suggests. Meeting the second Tuesday of each month from 10 am to 1 pm, in the Comly kitchen area, we seek to provide home-made or collected items for various charities and mission works, and also for our own children’s ministries. Can’t sew, knit or crochet? That’s OK! We have plenty to do otherwise. You’re a man? That’s fine. There are things for you to do, too. We have found that our meetings are a great way to make friends as we serve God. Come give us a try and bring a bag lunch! Please contact the church office for more details. We meet the second Tuesday of the coming months from 10 am – 2 pm. Bring a lunch.
Have More Questions?
Contact the church office at 302-366-8539 or via the online form. Please request to join our BFCN Women’s ministry Facebook Group at the following link.