A Call to Rebuild – Haggai 1:1-11

February 19, 2023

Series: Haggai

Book: Haggai

Sermon  Notes:

Haggai 1: 1-11
Haggai means my festival

  • Gods people were we’re not prioritizing God’s mission over them.
  • Mission to go back and build my house. They were building their own houses.
    • Deuteronomy 28
    • Psalm 23
    • Leviticus 26
    • Ezra 2:6-9
  • God’s people cannot expect to receive or experiencing God’s blessings when they are not putting God first in their life.
  • Stop seeking your own pleasure and pursue God’s pleasure.
  • The God who created all things gets to decide how things are ordered.  He knows what is best.  When he is glorified, we receive the most pleasure because we were made to glorify him.
  • Wholeness and peace are found in Him.
  • What does that mean for us? What is this saying about me? Change your heart first.
  • Am I prioritizing God in my life first or am I stumbling or veered off?
  • Is my comfort more important than God’s desire? Am I avoiding conflict?




Click here to listen to the audio: https://www.bfcnewarkde.org/?post_type=sermon&p=7735

2023-02-19 12:11:55

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