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Forgive and Abide – John 10:10 – Part One

June 2, 2024

Topic: Forgiveness

Book: Acts, John

Audio Download

Scripture: John 10:10

Sermon Notes –

  • John 10:10 – The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.
    • Living abundantly – living with joy and peace
    • What keeps us from living abundantly – the enemy gains access to us
  • Two things that get us disconnected to the power of God and from us to live abundantly – Unforgiveness and Sin Management – not dealing properly with wounds (learning to abide in the spirit)
  • Unforgiveness opens the door for the devil to compete with the Holy Spirit in our lives.
    • If you don’t deal with anger quickly, then you give the devil an opportunity
  • Ephesians 4:30-32
    • verse 32 -Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you
  • A proper response to things that anger us is forgiveness.
  • If constantly in anger, you have a forgiveness issue because the enemy is stirring you up.
  • Forgiveness is at the core of the Gospel.
    • Luke 24:46
    • Luke 24: 42
    • Acts 2: 37-38
    • Acts 3:17-19
    • Acts 5: 29-31
    • Colossians 2: 8
      • In Him – when Jesus died on the cross
      • With Him – when Jesus rose from the dead
  • Unforgiveness brings the disciplines of torment from the Father
    • God allows it to happen
    • Doesn’t do the torment but has the legal authority to do so
  • Matthew 18:22
  • Matthew 18:32-34
    • Servant owed forgiveness to one of the other servants under him – forgiving forward
    • Jesus leaves the parable and says Matthew 18:35
    • God withholds his protection when we don’t forgive; aligns thinking
    • Applies the blood of Jesus for every wound
  • Torment can result in:
    • bitterness
    • depression
    • outbursts of anger
    • anxiety
    • fear
    • all addictions
    • paranoia
    • physical issues
  • Forgiveness is: applying the blood of Jesus Christ as payment in full for every wound never have or will suffer

  • Here is how we let someone, who may have hurt us deeply, off the hook. I pray you find health, freedom, and forgiveness.

7 Protocols of Forgiveness:

    1. Thank God for forgiving you.
      He has forgiven you for so much (Romans 5:8).
    2. Repent of your sin of unforgiveness.
      You are responsible for your bitterness.
    3. Ask God, “Who do I need to forgive, and for what?” (Matthew 6:14-15)
    4. Forgive each offense from your heart.
      Here’s how you do it:

      • “Lord, I choose to forgive _____, from my heart, for ______.”
      • “Lord, is there anything else I need to forgive ______ for?”
      • “Before God, I declare ________ is no longer in my debt.”
    5. Seal it with a blessing.
      Pray a blessing over those who have wronged you and keep doing it until you mean it! (Luke 6:27-36)
    6. Commit to “not remembering” the offense.
      Let me explain (Isaiah 43:25).

      • Say, “I specifically remember forgiving that.”
      • Praise God for the freedom forgiveness brought you.
      • Bless the person you forgave—again.
      • Pray for reconciliation.
    7. Make pre-forgiveness a lifestyle.


Dr. Bruce Hebel and his wife Toni lead Forgiving Forward Ministries in Fayetteville, GA. They’ve also created the Forgiving Forward Video Series. They have helped thousands of people through forgiveness coaching.

One powerful quote from the book is, “Freedom from the torture of bitterness only comes through forgiveness. Forgivers let people off the hook rather than desiring to make them pay. This freedom is found at the core of the Gospel message. If you cut the Gospel anywhere, it bleeds forgiveness.

Forgiving Forward: Unleashing the Forgiveness Revolution.




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