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God’s Provision in Fulfilling His Promises – Luke 1

December 11, 2022

Series: Christmas

Luke 1:35-56

Who does the work in our life?  John 16:7. Our helper – Holy Spirit

Romans 7:7-12 – Focuses on first person singular

Romans 8:1-38

The Spirit is working. God provides everything that we need to accomplish everything that he says he is going to accomplish through us in His timing.  We have no lack.

Ephesians 1:3

We have everything we need to deal with uncomfortable family situations, to deal with the ways you have wronged people, to deal with your own brokenness and pain, to keep you until he comes, to shape and mold into what he knows is best for you and what he has promised for you to take the pain and the sorrow in your life and turn it into joy.  He can do that!

I have everything that I need to do what he is asking me to do today.  Believe and trust him!

All we have is all we need if all we have is Him!

Action point…

  • Continue to believe that God is who he says he is. Just go and receive from him. His power will carry you through your suffering and pain and he will do what he says in Romans 5.

…suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Our God is good and trustworthy!  His spirit has been given to us.  We have been placed in this time …in this moment …for a specific purpose …for God’s kingdom for His glory.  May we all rest and listen and follow His Spirit this season and may he bring his healing and peace to our lives.

Just need to believe accept and trust that Jesus died and rose for your sins from the dead.

Do I trust in Jesus now?  Am I depending on His Spirit?   May he bring restoration and wholeness.  May you see him work mightily on your behalf.







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2022-12-11 12:11:55

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