Isaiah 64 – “God Acts for Those Who Wait for Him”

March 7, 2020

Isaiah 64 – “God Acts for Those Who Wait for Him”


Audio sermons are usually posted by Sunday afternoons.  If you would like to view the sermons before the audio sermon is posted, you may access the sermons on the BFCN Livestream account. Video sermons less than 30 days old may be viewed via the BFCN Livestream account. To view the Livestream videos, please click on this link. Otherwise, audio versions of the sermons are listed below the video. Due to copyright issues with the songs that are sung during the service, the services which are livestreamed will begin approximately 30 minutes after the services begin (at approximately 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.).




Click here to listen to the audio:

2020-03-07 21:06:29

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