Jonah: A Narrative of Grace – Jonah 2

June 26, 2022

Series: Grace

Book: Exodus

Jonah: A Narrative of Grace – Jonah 2

Major Points

    1. The grace of God accepts our repentance, no matter the circumstance. Jonah 2:1 – 2:7
    2. The way God rescues us does not always come in the way we would like.  Jonah 1: 17
    3. God’s rescue causes us to respond – Jonah 2: 8 -9

Exodus 34: 5-6 – The Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,

Jonah creates a new psalm out of the old psalms.

Jonah 2:2 – Psalm 3:4; 18:4-6; 118:5
Jonah 2:3 – Psalm 42:7; 69: 1-2, 88: 6-7; 120: 1
Jonah 2:4 – Psalm 5:7; 34:22
Jonah 2:5-6 – Psalm 18:5; 69:1-2; 116:3
Jonah 2:7 – Psalm 18:6
Jonah 2:8 – Psalm 31:6
Jonah 2:9 – Psalm 3:8; 50:14; 50:23

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2022-06-26 12:05:16

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