Past Examples, Current Warnings – Jude 5-10

November 6, 2022

Series: Jude

Book: Jude

Past examples serve as current warnings not to follow those who seek to lead us away from the Lord

  • Numbers 14:21-24
  • Numbers 16:32
  • Leviticus 10:1-2
  • Genesis 6:1-4

The root of disobedience is unbelief

  • Romans 9:6-8
  • Hebrews 2:1-3
  • Galatians

Life is to be loved in trust and dependence in Jesus

Faith in Jesus is what is saving me

Remember God’s warning and hope for his justice.

Be a beacon of light to a lost world.

  • Joel




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2022-11-06 19:11:55

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