Revival Through Obedience – Haggai 1:12-15

February 26, 2023

Series: Haggai

Book: Haggai

Sermon  Notes:

  • Time frame: after the Israelites come back from exile in Persia, back to Jerusalem
    August 29, 520 BC
    Haggai 1: 12 – Sept 21, 520 BC
  • They are experiencing their consequences and then recognize it. The people immediately got to work. They obeyed and believed.
  • God’s Word accomplishes what God wants to with God’s people
  • Believed it, acted on it, and feared the Lord.
  • Fear included reverential awe of God and terror.
    • God is an immense being. Terrifying.
    • He speaks things into being but loves us.
    • This should shape the way I live my live.
  • Gods words moved through His people.
  • The difference with the prophet, Haggai, than other prophets, is all the people listened, believed and took action.
  • “I am with you,” declares the Lord.
  • For 16 years, they neglected what he was saying, now they have been revived or stirred up.  They have been given a new fresh passion.  They changed their perspective.
  • God encourages and renews/revives their heart. He steps in, and they obey.
  • You cannot passively start or wait until you feel ready. God’s people have to work with him.
  • Where is God calling you out to do?
  • Am I choosing to follow the Lord whether or not I feel like it?
  • Trust him, take a step forward and walk in faith.




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2023-02-26 12:11:55

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