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The Glorious Pursuit of Knowing Jesus

Sermon Notes – 

  • Paul’s mission was to know Jesus Christ personally, experientially, vibrantly, deeply, and intimately and that I may know or share in his sufferings
  • Paul’s desire to truly know Jesus in three ways:
    1. Experientially – Paul’s mission was to know and experience the power if the resurrection. God desires for us to experience the resurrection power every day.
    2. Know the power of Christ’s resurrection in his life – The resurrection power gave a new life/birth.  It responsible for our salvation.  It sets us free from the power of sin.
    3. Know and share in the sufferings of his savior
  • What is that one thing you are pursuing? What drives your thoughts, words, and actions?
  • God is interested in the journey – our journey.
  • Life of the living Christ living in me.  Examples of resurrection power include:
    • Chooses to love in the face of being wronged
    • Joy in the face of trials
    • Provides peace in the face of a dreadful diagnosis
    • Produces patience when your kids have your sanity hanging in the balance
    • Enables kindness when your co-worker/spouse stabs you in the back
    • Exercises goodness when evil is prevailing around you
    • Faithfulness and perseverance when faced within insurmountable odds when humanly speaking
    • Responds with gentleness when faced with a hard and undeserved attack
    • Exercises self-control when temptation rears its ugly head again and again
  • Resurrection power flowing in us and through us leads to obedience to Jesus Christ.  Without that, we cannot please God. It emboldens us and enables us to face suffering well and in a way that honors God.
  • Why did Paul insist on sharing on his suffering?
    1. so he will know Christ more deeply
      • What aspect of God’s character do you need to know today? Compassion, wisdom, mercy…
    2. so he would desire to walk the path of Jesus – In Luke, it says “lift up the cross and follow me”.
  • Resurrection power sets you fee of the bondage


  1. Do you truly know Jesus personally…. by faith?
  2. Does something in your life today have you overwhelmed and outmanned? Lean into his strong and might arms of resurrection power.
  3. Are your struggling today physically, emotionally, or spiritually
  4. Have you lost the joy in your salvation?  Stop doing and sit in the presence of God.







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2023-04-16 11:45:55

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