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Washington, Barney, and Mark – A Journey through Early Acts

October 9, 2022

Book: Acts

Washington, Barney, and Mark – A Journey through Early Acts

  • We first meet Barney in Acts 4:36-37 where his name is listed as Joseph (from Cyprus) who was given the name of Barnabas by the
    Apostles. That name means “son of encouragement.
  • We then see him in Acts 9:26-30 become an advocate for the recently converted Saul when no one else was willing to associate with him in Jerusalem.
  • Barnabas then seeks out Paul to assist him in shepherding the new Gentile Church in Antioch (Acts 11:19-26)
  • Barnabas and Saul are sent to Jerusalem with a relief gift from the church in Antioch (Acts 11:27-30)
  • In Acts 12:25 Barnabas and Saul return from Jerusalem to Antioch and they bring John Mark with them.
  • Then in Acts 13:1-2 Barnabas and Saul are called to the first
    missionary journey. Verses 4 and 5 mention that they have John
    Mark as their helper.
  • Mark was Barnabas cousin and he was a helper on the first Missionary journey undertaken by Paul and Barnabas – but left them and returned to Jerusalem after they finished in Cyprus. Acts 13:13.
  • Barnabas wanted to take Mark along with them again on the second missionary Journey, but Paul was against it and they split up over him. Acts 15:36-39.
  • Barnabas as took Mark back to Cyprus. Acts 15:39.
  • Later Paul shows evidence that his confidence in Mark has been restored. Col. 4:10; 2 Tim. 4:11; Philemon 1:24
  • Mark eventually penned the gospel that bears his name.



For all:

  • We are so quick to throw people away.
  • The essence of the gospel is love and restoration Barnabas should be our example of the power of encouragement and having “faith” in someone when others have given up on them.
  • People who have been given a second chance after failure often go on to great things.


For those who searching for God:

  • The essence of the Gospel is love and restoration
  • God loves you and has not given up on you-even if others
    have thrown you away.




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2022-10-09 12:22:02

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